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Noteworthy doors

The doors were not simply designed to provide access to the building, but rather as essential elements in understanding the ceremony taking place within it. Each of these gives the visitor a clue about the artistic mastery that awaits them inside.

Door of the Deans

This is one of the oldest doors in the Monumental Site, given that its origins date back to the original mosque of Abd al-Rahman I. Despite the various reforms it has undergone, it is still possible to see that the structure of the arch belongs to the traditional Visigoth architectural models. It has the characteristic radial carving of the voussoirs, alternating stone and brick.

Door of the Palms

This was originally called the Blessings Arch as it was the place where the blessing of the royal banner took place as part of the coronation ritual for each new monarch. Hernán Ruiz I was responsible for its reform in the year 1533, adding an upper plateresque body with the relief of the Annunciation. Next to this scene is the surprising presence, in the lower corners, of small fantastic mythological beings.

Door of Forgiveness

This is one of the most important doors in the ceremonial life of the Cathedral as it sees the passing of some of the most important religious solemnities. Completed in the year 1377, it has since undergone various reforms, such as that of 1650 by the architect Sebastián Vidal. On it we can see the remains of some mural paintings which, attributed to Antonio del Castillo, represent Our Lady of the Assumption, flanked by Saint Michel and Saint Raphael.

Door of Saint Catherine

Its name, alluding to the nearby presence of the original convent of Saint Catherine, was documented and recorded in the year 1268. Some of the main liturgical events held in the Cathedral have passed through here. Its current appearance is the work of the architect Hernán Ruiz II, who gave it a Renaissance touch. The door has the structure of a semi-circular arch supported by two columns, the development of the second body being provided through a serliana. Its restoration has allowed us to appreciate the mural paintings which, located in the alcoves, represent Saint Catherine, Saint Acisclus and Saint Victoria.

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